Heart Valve Regeneration
Causes Stimulated Tissues to Release SDF-1 and Follistatin which Causes Stem Cells to Home to Site and Forms New Smooth Muscle.
Valvublator is designed to help patients keep their own heart valve instead of getting a pig, cow, plastic or steel artificial implant!
Catheter based and non-invasive systems to decalcify and regenerate heart valves with precise bioelectric signaling sequences and precision focused ultrasonic energy.

Decalcifies + Cell Sods + Regenerates + Surface Modifies + Strengthens
= Rebuilds heart valve leaflets and orifice utilizing a patient’s own cells.
Combination of:
1. Mechanical burr cleaning with controllable deflecting tip.
2. Ultrasonic cleaning.
3. Biochemical safe solvent cleaning.
4. Vacuum removal of debris.
5. Cell sodding micro needles.
6. Microcurrent regeneration signal = recruits stem cells with homing signal and differentiates them to valve tissue.
7. Spay-on scaffolding for rebuilding highly damaged leaflets.
8. Full optical, ultrasound or echo viewing of valve repair field of view real time.
Degenerative Mitral Stenosis: Unmet Need for Percutaneous Interventions
Valvublator’s 4 Step Process to Total Heart Valve Regeneration
The future is non-invasive heart valve decalcification and regeneration and Valvublator plans to lead the way!

3 stage decalcification cleaning

reduce risk of re-calcification

Regenerate valve by recruiting stem cells

Prevent re-calcification
New Paradigm = Decalcify and Regenerate Heart Valves BEFORE a cow, pig, plastic, steel or cadaver implant is needed!
We believe our minimally invasive or non-invasive decalcification and regeneration product will be used in the future to decalcify and regenerate heart valves BEFORE they get so diseased that a pig, cow, cadaver, steel or plastic implant is needed. Just like we go to the dentist early now to clean our teeth BEFORE plaque and disease gets too advanced requiring a dental tooth implant.
Introducing Valvublator II Simplified Design
Original Valvublator I Design